My Trip to The Hair Stylist

Some people get a hair cut every week regardless of how much growth there is. I must admit that I get busy with other things and postpone getting to the hair stylist. It is not that I need a "stylist" but barber shops are pretty much a thing of the… more »

Category: "Personal Stories"

The Natural Progression of Life, or What Happened to Peace and Quiet?

As my life progressed from single man to married man, the next natural progression was the addition of children to the mix. Marriage and children are strange anomalies to life. We begin our lives as children, in theory, growing and maturing into… more »

Joe Btfsplk

Years ago, there was a cartoon drawn by Al Capp called Li'l Abner. One of the characters in the strip was Joe Btfsplk, a little man who was constantly under a small, dark rain cloud. Joe Btfsplk was a jinx. Bad luck followed him wherever he want. One of… more »